First off-Welcome to our (Miss Cammie Rachelle and mines) college blog.
Now to the nitty gritty. I would love nothing more to tell you that our first day here was so spectacular and I went out and played beach volleyball for hours on end, took pictures of our dorms glory, and became best friends with our roommates.
But here is what really happened--
I cryed. A lot. I cryed last night. I cryed the minute I woke up. I cryed on the way down. I cryed while I unpacked my stuff. Heck, I'm crying right now.
Then, me and Cam watched funny videos and things were okay.
Then I started to worry, and things weren't okay again.
Then, I almost puked when I changed my town to St. George and immediately wanted to change it back.
Also, we locked our door because we are afraid of our roommates and also the people outside. Which is actually kind of funny.
I am scared, and tired, and homesick and I want nothing more then to go back in time to the beginning of summer and have it last forever.
I know this is the way it needs to be and that things will get better.
But, welcome and don't let this first post scare you off. From our blog...or college.